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Playgroups Thrived This Summer

School may be back in session with fall just around the corner, but we're still riding high from the success of our Family Development Summer Playgroups! In total, 68 children participated from 56 families. We had so much fun!

In conjunction with The Autism Project of Illinois (TAP), PLAY Group took place on Saturdays over the summer and was an opportunity for families with children (ages 2-5 years old) who have an autism diagnosis or who are anticipating a diagnosis to join in a group setting. This playgroup used a parent-coaching therapy model to teach caregivers ways to have successful and playful interactions with their child while incorporating communication building.

On Mondays and Tuesdays, children mingled, engaged, splashed, and played with peers of their age group during our Developmental Playgroups at the Rantoul Family Sports Complex & Splashpad and Hessel Park. Parents were able to seek advice and exchange experiences with Early Intervention providers, Parent Wonders home visitors, a developmental screener, and other parents & caregivers.

Early Intervention Playdates at Eisner Park took place on Wednesdays. We played, relaxed, and connected with books, toys, and sensory activities that everyone enjoyed. We also had loads of fun on all the accessible playground equipment!

Lastly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we learned so much during our Summer Speech Group. This semi-structured group for parents and children, 0-3 years, focused on building communication skills through verbal communication, sign language, and pictures. We enjoyed all the activities: circle time, songs, snacks, art, and bubbles! Parents shared that they felt the group was a real benefit for their child and look forward to returning in the fall!

Thank you to everyone who took part in our summer playgroups!

Check out our fall playgroups at https://www.dsc-illinois.org/programs_services/family-development/playgroups.html.